„Icestar“ jau beveik 20 metų tiekia ir parduoda pačiūžas Estijoje, Latvijoje, ir Lietuvoje. 2016 m. rudenį pasiekėme stebuklingą skaičių: 10 000 parduotų pačiūžų! Mes turime ką pasiūlyti. Įvairių dydžių ir modelių pačiūžos pradedantiesiems ir profesionalams.
We do our best to stay in pace with the latest developments in the skating world. Our professionals have gotten their training from the biggest companies in the skating world - RISPORT, EDEA, JACKSON, GRAF, RIEDELL. The largest selection of skating boots in the Baltics. ICEFLY, ROYAL PRIME, CHORUS, ROYAL PRO, RF3 PRO, OVERTURE, ELECTRA always available in the store.
Icestar is the exclusive distributor in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania of the world’s leading figure skate blade manufacturer HD Sport's, producer of JOHN WILSON & MK exceptional blades for world-class skaters. GOLD SEAL, PATTERN 99, CORONATION ACE, PROFESSIONAL, CORONATION DANCE, GALAXY, FLIGHT always available in the store. John Wilson blades is the choice of Today's champions.
Unfortunately it is not enough if you have just skates! You must have also skating clothes, blade guards, boot covers, boot care, laces, etc...Please look at variety we can offer you!
Through all these years ICESTAR has cooperated with the best skaters in Estonia, Latvia Lithuania. We follow their results and also support them in their everyday training process. ICESTAR has been the official sponsor of the Estonian, Lithuanian, Belarussian Skating Federation.
Icestar favorite skatersTallinn, Estonia
Open M 14-19, T-F 11-19, S 11-16
If you want to buy new skates, please book a consultation time.
Tallinn, Estonia
2025 m. sausio 29 d. – vasario 2 d., Europos čempionato metu
Kaunas, Lithuania
Tuesday – Friday 13:00 – 17:00
Saturday 11:00 – 14:00
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